Managing Director, Chasm Institute LLC
Managing Director, Chasm Institute LLC - Michael Eckhardt
Most successful intros of innovative products or services -- into key target markets -- have been driven by a myriad of factors: disciplined approach, great timing, flawless execution, etc. Yet many other breakthrough solutions … often 70-80% ... fail within 6 to 12 months of launch.
What then, might account for the different outcomes? Certainly, the products/services themselves might not have been well considered or engineered, but in many cases, it was the disruptive nature of the products that led to their downfall -- a downfall that might have been prevented with a more systematic and market-centric approach.
Managing Director, Chasm Institute LLC - Michael Eckhardt
boxdisruptivemessagingpricingsaptarget customerwhole product
Tech-based companies -- whether in Silicon Valley, Boston, Berlin, or Bangladore -- often seek "best practices" to accelerate growth for their key products or services. And that's clearly a good thing.